Friday, August 26, 2011

Several large protests are planned for the next couple of months in the US

From: Waging Nonviolence
Why aren’t Americans in the streets? Where is the American Autumn? | Aug 13, 2011

  • Americans may not be out on the streets yet, but they’re planning on it. Just wait—or get involved. People are organizing. The more they prepare, the more likely they are to carry out actions worthy of their goals.
    • Something is happening. Even Al Gore said, earlier this month, that we need an “American Spring.” How about an American Autumn [#AmericanAutumn]?
      • For the past few weeks, we at Waging Nonviolence have been talking with individuals and groups that are involved in one way or another in a variety of powerful new protest efforts. Here are a few of them:
        • Environmental activists—including Bill McKibben, James Hansen, and Wendell Berry— are undertaking sustained civil resistance to fight the proposed pipeline taking oil from the Canadian tar sands to refineries in Texas. They consider this a crucial battleground in the fight to ameliorate climate change. []
        • [Update 8/14/11] Citizens for Legitimate Government is calling for Seize DC, a plan to occupy space in the city, without permits, in protest of “endless, illegal, murderous and bankrupting war abroad; endless, brutal and bankrupting attacks on the vast majority at home.” []
        • After Adbusters called for a takeover of Wall Street on September 17th, a number of websites and organizations have joined in to support the cause—just look at this, this, this, this, and more. An ongoing, open discussion has been taking place about what the movement’s demands will be—including proposals from taxing the rich to ending corporate contributions to political candidates. []
        • On October 6th, the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, a broad coalition of old- and new-guard activists are planning to begin a sustained occupation of Freedom Plaza in downtown Washington DC, hoping to foster new momentum for a movement that will end American militarism abroad and put resources to use for people at home. []
        • Between September 11th and October 7th, a group called 10 Years and Counting will be using art and performance to galvanize people into action against the ongoing wars. []
        • A global day of action is being planned for October 15, a World Revolution for Real Democracy. In anticipation, Spanish Indignados are marching from Madrid to Brussels, with solidarity actions for September 17th and October 6th along the way.  []

        There has been a flowering of national protests in the United States, in the form of conventions, building of movements and coalitions, and organizing protests.  The flower is now in full display; how do you plan to engage in any of these events?  Are there any more protests/ marches/ sit-ins, etc. being organized?

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