- Call on Congress - 1-888-907-6886 - free info on your representatives, bills, elections and more
- POPVOX - tell your US representatives what you think, then share it (US)
- Taproots - social enterprise pro bono work
- National Lawyers Guild - fighting to keep the First Amendment alive in the legal arena
- Amnesty International - a global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights
- Government Accountability Project (GAP) - Protecting corporate, government and international whistleblowers
- Bribespot - report bribes anonymously with a cell phone app (World)
- Reclaim the American Dream - Overview of how to be an active constituent
- NCDD Resources - help for civic dialogue and deliberation
- Deliberative Democracy Consortium - strengthens the field of deliberative democracy
- Public Agenda - helps diverse leaders and citizens navigate complex, divisive issues and work together to find sustainable solutions
- Points of Light Institute - civic incubator
- Civic Commons - civic engagement apps
- Mashable: Social Good - technology news for activists
- - helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives’ legislative record
- United We Serve ( - aims to both expand the impact of existing organizations by engaging new volunteers in their work and encourage volunteers to develop their own "do-it-yourself" projects
- US Vote - complete voter service
- Election Protection - get help for your voter registration, voting questions and problems (US)
- - is the first platform connecting voters and candidates at every level
- Democracy Awakening - Our reform agenda is aimed at creating a democracy where every voice is heard and every vote counts equally — in other words, a democracy that works for all of us
- OpenCongress - bills' info and news
- - daily political happenings in Washington, DC
- InterOccupy - Occupy movement actions
- Occupy - Occupy movement news
- Waging Nonviolence - activism analyses
- Culture Project - Shining an artistic spotlight on injustice
- CommonBlog - Common Cause - government and political reform
- CitizenVox - Public Citizen - consumer news and corporate reform
- PolicyShop - Demos - a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy
- U.S. PIRG - a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society
- CREW - ensure government officials -regardless of party affiliation- act with honesty and integrity and merit the public trust
- - environmental / climate movement
- EDF Voices - Environmental Defense Fund - preserving the natural systems on which all life depends
- People's Blog for the Constitution - civil rights legal news
- EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)-- Focusing public attention on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues
- Arguments - Democracy: A Journal of Ideas - articles by politicians and news journalists
- - End corruption, Defend the Republic
- No Labels - Sees the presidential administration and both houses of Congress working together to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals that will solve the nation’s problems.
- The Tabulation - The Concord Coalition - advocating generationally responsible fiscal policy
- POGO Blog - Project on Government Oversight - champions good government reforms
- Taxpayers for Common Sense - ensures that the federal government spends taxpayer dollars responsibly and operates within its means
Campaign Finance
- OpenSecrets Blog - candidates' campaign finance analyses
- MapLight - revealing money's influence on politics
- Democracy21 - dedicated to making democracy work for all Americans
- Campaign Legal Center - The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works in the areas of campaign finance and elections, political communication and government ethics. The Campaign Legal Center offers nonpartisan analyses of issues and represents the public interest
- Every Voice - To create a government that is truly of, by the people, we have to change who funds our campaigns
- Rootstrikers - Only the People can force lasting change on this broken system
- Issue One - Issue One is connecting the dots between money in politics and a lack of progress on the issues Americans care about most
- Brennan Center for Justice - government reform legal news
- fairvote - electoral reforms advocacy
- Election Defense Alliance - United We Count - elections' analyses
- Sunlight Foundation - open government, transparency and technology news
- The FAS Blog - Federation of American Scientists (Secrecy News) - a think tank for the responsible use of technology and secrecy
- Deeplinks - Electronic Frontier Foundation - defending your rights in a digital world
Wow, Nice links. Thanks for that your great job.