Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Flashback to 2008: The Pentagon's budget

Indefensible spending -
What should be the most important issue in this election is one that is rarely, if ever, addressed: Why is U.S. military spending at the highest point, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than at any time since the end of World War II? Why, without a sophisticated military opponent in sight, is the United States spending trillions of dollars on the development of high-tech weapons systems that lost their purpose with the collapse of the Soviet Union two decades ago?

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Flashback to 2008: America's war economy

America's Outrageous War Economy!:
Americans zone out playing video war games. We nod at 90-second news clips of Afghan war casualties and collateral damage in Georgia. We laugh at Jon Stewart's dark comedic news and Ben Stiller's new war spoof "Tropic Thunder" ... all the while silently, by default, we enable our rulers as they aggressively expand America's War Economy, a relentless machine that needs a steady diet of war after war. Americans surrender 54% of their tax dollars to a war machine, which consumes 47% of the world's total military budgets. 

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"I am the voter," a poem

I am the voter
by David Weller

what does it take
to vote around here?

why should I make sure
I'm ready to vote?

I'm a proud American,
registered, no fear

I'm a vowed taxpayer,
why have the poll moat?

I'm more important
than any election aide

and why the partisan
election officials?

roll out the red carpet
for this voter, self-made

I am the decider now,
damn the tutorials

Monday, September 24, 2012

10 Million Hispanics at risk to miss their vote on Election Day

10 Million Hispanic Citizens May be Disenfranchised Thanks to GOP Voting Suppression | Alternet:
Voter purges and ID requirements being enacted in over 20 states could disenfranchise at least 10 million Hispanic citizens.
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The Federal Election Commission is short on staff

The FEC: A Declawed and Toothless Watchdog of Campaign Finance | United Republic:
What we are left with is an underpowered enforcement agency that hasn’t expanded proportionately to the growth of the field which it is monitoring.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Is National Voter Registration Day

Free The Vote! Tomorrow Is National Voter Registration Day | Demos:
For the first time ever, people around the country who love American democracy have decided to come together to observe a National Voter Registration Day on September 25, 2012 – a day to pull out all the stops in making sure that every eligible voter is registered and able to vote in this critical election year. 
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Corporate democracy and shareholder activism

Citizens United, Shareholder Protection, and “the Silence of the Funds”  - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop:
When the Supreme Court in Citizens United allowed corporations to spend money in elections they thought that shareholders would be able to monitor the use of corporate funds “through procedures of corporate democracy.” But John Bogle, the former CEO of Vanguard, reminds us in a recent Financial Times column that “US financial institutions – mutual funds, pension funds, endowment funds, and bank trustees – hold more than two-thirds of the shares of virtually every publicly held US corporation, giving them total voting control.” This is a far cry from the state of affairs envisioned by the Court.
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Remote Access initiative

Digital Democracy | Remote Access: Connecting Threatened Communities:
Remote Access is an initiative to build a mobile reporting platform for remote & indigenous communities to document environmental and human rights issues – from oil spills to political violence – and engage with a global audience.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

US Government spying on all people is increasingly prevalent

Smile, the Government Is Watching:
Using Trapwire in conjunction with NGI, police and other government agents will be able to pinpoint anyone by checking the personal characteristics stored in the database against images on social media websites, feeds from the thousands of CCTV surveillance cameras installed throughout American cities (there are 3,700 CCTV cameras tracking the public in the New York subway system alone), as well as data being beamed down from the more than 30,000 surveillance drones taking to the skies within the next eight years. 
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ShoutAbout widget

ShoutAbout Aims to Inspire Social Action Based on News Stories:
Sunday at the 2012 Social Good Summit, former Red Cross Communications Officer Mat Morgan publicly launched his new startup, ShoutAbout, which intends to empower consumers of news to actually create social change. “There’s this huge barrier between awareness and action,” explained Morgan, who said news coverage drives people to care about social issues. Yet, while news media is great at making people passionate about the topics they read, there are no direct ways to jump from consuming information to acting on it.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weaving Through Wall Street | Occupied Stories

Weaving Through Wall Street | Occupied Stories:
Upon reaching the area around Wall Street—here is where locations become truly blurry for my memory—we found a swelling mass of other protesters crammed onto the sidewalks, some straying into the streets, and a glut of police officers the middle of the intersection, along curbs—everywhere.
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SF Shooting Triggers Anti-Police March | OccuWorld

SF Shooting Triggers Anti-Police March | OccuWorld:
On Thursday night, an undercover police officer shot a man in the Mission District— reportedly firing three shots in the man’s back.
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

When Did Dissent Become a Crime? America's Police State on Steroids at the Conventions | Alternet

When Did Dissent Become a Crime? America's Police State on Steroids at the Conventions | Alternet:
In cities hosting large gatherings such as the national political conventions or international summits, we’ve come to expect a massive militarized police presence, even as the ranks of protesters thin. But what happens to all of the new high-tech cop toys and newly passed ordinances once conventioneers leave town? They stay.
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Apple helps the state and/or police block all transmissions from public protests :: News From Underground

Apple helps the state and/or police block all transmissions from public protests :: News From Underground:
Apple has patented a piece of technology which would allow government and police to block transmission of information, including video and photographs, from any public gathering or venue they deem “sensitive”, and “protected from externalities.” In other words, these powers will have control over what can and cannot be documented on wireless devices during any public event.
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Is Privacy Dead? 4 Government and Private Entities Conspiring to Track Everything You Do Online and Off | Alternet

Is Privacy Dead? 4 Government and Private Entities Conspiring to Track Everything You Do Online and Off | Alternet:
The police-corporate surveillance “complex” is being consolidated, drawing ever-closer corporate tracking and government surveillance.
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People's Blog for the Constitution » The anniversary of Occupy: reflections on state suppression

People's Blog for the Constitution » The anniversary of Occupy: reflections on state suppression:
From the beginning, the violence of police tactics on the street shocked the public.  What has been less apparent, but equally ubiquitous, is the extensive surveillance and harassment of Occupy by law enforcement.
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Student editor arrested while covering Occupy Wall Street anniversary protests - SPLC News Flashes

Student editor arrested while covering Occupy Wall Street anniversary protests - SPLC News Flashes:
Mickey Osterreicher, the National Press Photographers Association’s general counsel, said he has concerns that New York police are being aggressive and  targeting journalists. “NYPD needs to do a better job of training officers,” Osterreicher said. “Giving people conflicting messages and arresting them for not complying is not the proper way to handle the street.”
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Undercover Police Used Smartphones to Keep Tabs on Protests in Tampa -

Undercover Police Used Smartphones to Keep Tabs on Protests in Tampa -
As technology has improved, firefighters, police, and medical personnel have been looking for ways to send each other videos, pictures, and other data, in addition to voice communication. The network in Tampa was used with special permission from the Federal Communications Commission. It was part of an effort to eventually develop a similar $7 billion National Public Safety Broadband Network for everyday use across the country.
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New York: The Police and the Protesters by Michael Greenberg | The New York Review of Books

New York: The Police and the Protesters by Michael Greenberg | The New York Review of Books:
“The police can see the defeat in our eyes. They know they’ve beaten us,” an Occupy Wall Street organizer told me a few days after the 2012 May Day demonstration that marked the movement’s fizzled attempt to stage a spring resurgence. “They used to look at us as adversaries. There was a certain respect. Now we’re objects of contempt, an excuse for them to get paid overtime. A safe, live-action game.”

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NYPD 'consistently violated basic rights' during Occupy protests – study | World news |

NYPD 'consistently violated basic rights' during Occupy protests – study | World news |
The first systematic look at the New York police department's response to Occupy Wall Street protests paints a damning picture of an out-of-control and aggressive organization that routinely acted beyond its powers.  In a report that followed an eight-month study (pdf), researchers at the law schools of NYU and Fordham accuse the NYPD of deploying unnecessarily aggressive force, obstructing press freedoms and making arbitrary and baseless arrests.
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Monday, September 17, 2012

"Go occupy," a poem

Go occupy!
by David Weller

we meet with our brothers
out in the street

we lift up each other
out where we greet

we support one another
in actions we take

we march all together
in triumph we make

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Aboard occupy," a poem

Aboard occupy
by David Weller

aboard occupy
called as to duty
absorbed unity

we will move forward
we will prove our word
we've still strove enough
we still love as tough

live in the spirit
stay tarry in it
may carry onward
strive on stay on guard

"Dance!," a poem

by David Weller

dance, to forgive,
we're all, alive!

dance, to forget,
our memories, let!

dance, for peace,
let go, release!

dance, all night,
forget, who's right!

dance, with a spirit,
revive, who's in it!

dance, to occupy,
lift all, of us high!

"Activism," a poem

by David Weller


lacks sought,

isn't bought...

lacks flight,

is insight...

lacks strength,

goes to lengths...

lacks strife,

out as life...

lacks insanity,

is humanity...

in motion

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Occu-Versary is Here: Join Us This Weekend For #S17 |

Our Occu-Versary is Here: Join Us This Weekend For #S17 |
After many months of tireless preparation, it is invigorating to be able to say that our #S17 anniversary weekend is finally here! 
The website will contain all of the who’s, what’s where’s, why’s and when’s; text @S17NYC to 23559 for real time updates, and below we did our best to organize and synthesize the litany of actions and events that are in store.
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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Why you should come to Free U next week

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Why you should come to Free U next week:
The Free University is being held the week after S17 in order to provide a space for critical dialogue and debriefing, skill-sharing, self-education, and movement-building. And while the undergirding message remains a strong critique of the existing educational system, we are also actively thinking about the Free University strategically as a movement space. The idea is that the Free U can be a place where the various strands and groups emerging from OWS can come together, regroup, converse, outreach (to the broader public and to one-another), and think collectively about the next steps in building a radical social movement here in New York City.
'via Blog this' - Global directory of #occupy live video streams - Global directory of #occupy live video streams:
All Live Streams | Map | Contact | Links | About | Donate | Gear
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Celebrating the Start of Year 2 | A National Teach-in and Press Conference on Sept 17th

Celebrating the Start of Year 2 | A National Teach-in and Press Conference on Sept 17th:
See: for agenda. 
On Start of Year 2 of Occupy Wall Street A National Teach-In from Leading American Scholars and Writers on Solutions to America’s Critical Inequality Crisis  
Twitter feed: @ows20 
Hashtag: #OWSTeachin
Conference PIN / Facebook Event 
Updated Agenda: 
The national teach-in call will explain why inequality is a critical problem and the prospects for Republicans and Democrats to address it through policy. The expert panel includes economists, historians and journalists who have written extensively on the threats of income disparity in the U.S., a condition now so extreme that it is comparable to Third World dictatorships.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

New App Democratizes Election Monitoring | CommonBlog

New App Democratizes Election Monitoring | CommonBlog:
The app, called PollWatchUSA, lets anybody with a smartphone report irregularities at their polling place in real time. The app will let you report understaffing, overcrowding, ballot bullies, and anything else that could go wrong, then lets local volunteers know where they’re most needed.
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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Invites you, the 99%, to NYC for three days of education, celebration, and resistance.

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Invites you, the 99%, to NYC for three days of education, celebration, and resistance.:
IF YOU NEED HELP CALL US: (516) 708-4777 
GET UP TO THE MINUTE INFO TEXT: "@S17NYC" TO 23559 is the organizing website for the Occupy Wall Street one-year anniversary.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept 17 Call to Action | OccuWorld

Sept 17 Call to Action | OccuWorld:
September 17 International Day of Solidarity with Injured GM Workers!!! Actions happening worldwide. For more information see the Witness For Peace website: or facebook page:
See the video with the above article.

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#OccupySupply Skill Share: The History of OWS | MyFDL

#OccupySupply Skill Share: The History of OWS | MyFDL:
Our Next Occupy Supply Skill Share is on Wednesday September 12th 8pm EST 
On September 17th people around the world will commemorate the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. On our last Skill Share we went over whats going to happen around the country and the world on #S17.A lot has happened over the passed year since the early days of OWS and a lot has changed.
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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Protect Occupy’s Right to Peaceably Assemble For Our Anniversary‏

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Protect Occupy’s Right to Peaceably Assemble For Our Anniversary‏:
Join us in exercising our right to protest. Tell the Mayor of Wall Street to put away his violent white shirts, helicopters, guns, chemical agents, jail cells and undercover spying operations.
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Monday, September 10, 2012

#OccupySupply “Free Speech” Kits for Occupy Wall Street #S17 Available Now | FDL Action

#OccupySupply “Free Speech” Kits for Occupy Wall Street #S17 Available Now | FDL Action:
Several months ago on an Occupy Supply webinar, Dan Choi said we needed to start thinking about how to protect people while they are out there protesting on behalf of all of us. So we started asking Occupy groups in various cities what they would find helpful in a “Free Speech” kit. 
We’ve finally finished putting the kits together, and they are available now at the Occupy Supply store for $25. 
We will also be sending them free of charge to Occupy Wall Street protesters for the one-year anniversary of OWS on September 17. You can donate to send a Free Speech kit to an occupier who will be attending the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street here. 
The kits contain:

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"We occupiers," a poem

We occupiers
by David Weller

we make
our amends
we wake,
our friends!

we demand

our justice
we're in hand,
as just is!

we live
in the present
we strive,
none to resent!

we assess
what is good
we press,
what we should!

we move
with conviction
we love,
no division!

we act
no politics
we tack,
no polemics!

we fight
the good fight
we right,
in our sight!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reclaim Abundance on S17 | OCCUPY WALL STREET

Reclaim Abundance on S17 | OCCUPY WALL STREET:
Claiming our Commons means owning our collective abundance – in cooperation, rather than competition, with each other. It means thinking beyond the language of "rights", which connotes "individual entitlement", and towards the language of "The Commons", which suggests "claiming our abundance". Our resources only become scarce when we divide them unfairly and from the top down - they can retain their abundance when dispensed via distributed leadership. What is "Common" is what is all of ours. Reclaiming abundance may prove the basis of our survival.
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Send Postcards to the the NATO 5 | OCCUPY WALL STREET

Send Postcards to the the NATO 5 | OCCUPY WALL STREET:
We urge all our friends and comrades to show solidarity with the NATO 5 by mailing them Happy Occu-versary postcards timed to arrive on or near September 17th, the one year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. To mail a card to any or all of the NATO5, address them to:

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Freedom Under Law at Runnymede? | People's Assemblies Network

Freedom Under Law at Runnymede? | People's Assemblies Network:
The Runnymede Estate is home to the Magna Carta monument, marking the sealing of the Magna Carta in 1215.  Consequently Runnymede is regarded as the birthplace of modern democracy.  If granted this injunction would allow the National Trust to use ‘reasonable force’ to remove anyone deemed to be trespassing on or around the historic site of the Magna Carta.  This is ironic when considering the association of this location with ideals of democracy, limitation of power, equality and freedom under law.
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

The TPP Trade Pact: An Affront to Democracy | OccuWorld

The TPP Trade Pact: An Affront to Democracy | OccuWorld:
It's time to have a real conversation about how to engage in responsible trade. Government officials tout the TPP as a "21st-century agreement — but there's nothing innovative about keeping the public in the dark. We must restore the basic principles of democracy in order to protect the public and the environment — even if it's inconvenient for some large corporations. 
Join me and a coalition of activists at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 9, outside the Lansdowne Resort in Leesburg to rally for fair trade and tell trade negotiators: It's time to release the text.
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Occupy Year One #S17 | OccuWorld

Occupy Year One #S17 | OccuWorld:
As the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street approaches I find myself reflecting upon this last year. There were many accomplishments, many friends made, many great experiences.  Occupy Wall Street changed the conversation this country and this planet is having.
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1.7.4 S17, 1 Year of Occupy Wall Street — Occupy Brooklyn TV, Episode 7 | Occupy Public Access TV

1.7.4 S17, 1 Year of Occupy Wall Street — Occupy Brooklyn TV, Episode 7 | Occupy Public Access TV:

See the video at the link above.

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[VIDEO] #OccupySupply Skill Share: #S17 Anniversary Actions | MyFDL

[VIDEO] #OccupySupply Skill Share: #S17 Anniversary Actions | MyFDL:
The One Year Anniversary is poised to be a creatively significant event full of innovative action and education. People from all over the country are organizing buses and ride shares to converge on the financial district of New York City.  Solidarity actions and events have been planned from Honolulu to Syracuse and even around the world.
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FDL Book Salon Welcomes Todd Gitlin, Occupy Nation: The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street | Book Salon

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Todd Gitlin, Occupy Nation: The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street | Book Salon:
Welcome Todd Gitlin ( (Columbia Journalism School) and Host Joe Macare (Occupied Chicago Tribune) 
Occupy Nation: The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street 
Right now, members of Occupy Wall Street are preparing to mark the one year anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park on September 17 with an event halfway between a celebration and a protest. Meanwhile, Occupy’s energy and influence can be seen in a range of activism and dissent that stretches from coast to coast in America and beyond, from anarchist grand jury resisters in the Pacific Northwest to the solidarity networks supporting the forthcoming teachers’ strike in Chicago. 
For something that happened only a year ago, not in a far-flung location but in one of the world’s largest cities and with plenty of cameras watching, the first few months of Occupy Wall Street have already taken on the hazy status of myth.
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Rio+20 (what does #S17 means to you?) | Occupied Stories

Rio+20 (what does #S17 means to you?) | Occupied Stories:
the only difference is that it was my life, really. i never thought that doing direct action & good ol’ anarchy could be so fun: infiltrating a high security complex in a metropolis, acquiring permissions, the thrill of getting in, dancing around security personnel until the target was hit: Empire always has security cracks, ready to be explored by the playful revolutionaire.
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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Submit Media

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Submit Media:
Please fill out the form below and submit your media to us. We will do our best to share it with the world. You can also submit media to: & 
Check out this Design Brief with information for making posters.
Check out what others are making on our Media page. 
This movement can't happen without your creativity. Please share pictures, videos, drawings, signs, posters, or anything else we can re-post online!
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Ballet on the Barricades: AUG-SEPT classes

Ballet on the Barricades: AUG-SEPT classes (on
August 27 at 7:00pm until September 17 at 8:00pm in EDT 
Occupy Dance revives the presence of peaceful protest on Wall St. Absorbs the police barricades into our action, celebrates the iconic image of the ballerina on the bull, exercises our freedom of expression, grounds us in solidarity with the 99% and invites all to join in a full ballet warm up and creative practice. 
Saturdays 7PM 8/18, 8/25, 9/1, 9/8, 9/15 Mondays 7PM 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17
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Another World is Possible! #S17 |

Another World is Possible! #S17 |
Join us September 15-17, 2012 for three days of education, celebration, and resistance!  
see below for an evolving list of events and resources:
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InterOccupy | Overview of September 17th Actions

InterOccupy | Overview of September 17th Actions:
On September 17th, exactly one year after the Occupation of Wall Street, the whole world will once again be watching. Take part in actions that will seize the opportunity to spark year two of our movement. OVERVIEW OF SEPTEMBER 17th
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#S15 Direct Democracy & The Tools of Process of #NYCGA | NYC General Assembly # Occupy Wall Street

#S15 Direct Democracy & The Tools of Process of #NYCGA | NYC General Assembly # Occupy Wall Street:
For the #NYCGA on Saturday September 15th the assembly would begin with report backs & then hold a faciliated conversation about the Process used by our community. The assembly would be allowed to create non financial proposals to be consented upon the same evening.
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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Calling All the Real F##king Rebels

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Calling All the Real F##king Rebels:
As the heady days of the autumn commune fade into nerve damage and traumatic stress; as the reformists walk away from the terror of the unknown; as personified capital, caught off guard, regains control; as the State steps forward to protect profit margins in their harsh reality; we must remember what freedom tasted like, while it is still on the tip of our tongues, and reclaim what was brutally taken from us that night in November.
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Friday, September 7, 2012

InterOccupy | Beyond Zuccotti Park: New book examines freedom of assembly in public spaces; September Release

InterOccupy | Beyond Zuccotti Park: New book examines freedom of assembly in public spaces; September Release: "Concurrent with the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, New Village Press is releasing a pivotal new book that examines the current state of citizens’ rights to meet in public spaces and raise their voices. Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space is the original work of more than forty social scientists, planners, architects, artists, and civil liberties experts. This 432-page, photographically illustrated book juxtaposes a fresh perspective on public space design from prominent urban planners and other professionals, such as Peter Marcuse and Michael Sorkin, with the passionate views of activists, such as Nikki Stern and Gan Golan. The equitable inclusion of marginalized groups in public dissent is critiqued by civil rights attorneys, such as Maya Wiley and Arthur Eisenberg."

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InterOccupy | Help Coordinate *Free University Week* 9/18-22 in NYC

InterOccupy | Help Coordinate *Free University Week* 9/18-22 in NYC: "Calling all students, educators, families, communities, artists, scientists, librarians, historians, lovers, fighters, and all others who want to FREE EDUCATION: The Free University of NYC will host a week of free educational courses and events in Madison Square Park this September 18-22. Bringing together people from around the world, Free University will advocate for education as a human right and demonstrate our ability to implement free education for all. We welcome your participation in making this happen!"..."Site / submit workshops:"

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InterOccupy | Brecht Forum in NYC Announces Upcoming Occupy Photo Exhibition and Brotherwise Dispatch Roundtable

InterOccupy | Brecht Forum in NYC Announces Upcoming Occupy Photo Exhibition and Brotherwise Dispatch Roundtable: "The Brecht Forum, 451 West Street (Between Bank and Bethune), 212-242-4201,; NO ONE TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF ABILITY TO PAY;  September 8th, 2012 6:00 PM; PHOTO EXHIBITION Occupied Photography Documenting the Year of the 99%"

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InterOccupy | Common Ground Collective, Food Not Bombs and Occupy Movement Form Coalition to Help Isaac & Katrina Victims

InterOccupy | Common Ground Collective, Food Not Bombs and Occupy Movement Form Coalition to Help Isaac & Katrina Victims: "A ground breaking coalition of activists from the Common Ground Collective, Food Not Bombs, and Occupy have come together in a Relief Effort to aid not only the victims of Hurricane Isaac, but also the nearly 10,000 people who remain displaced from Hurricane Katrina."..."Interoccupy Hub:"

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InterOccupy | Immediate Help Needed: Blow the Whistle on Stop and Frisk Sept 13th

InterOccupy | Immediate Help Needed: Blow the Whistle on Stop and Frisk Sept 13th: "on September 13 people everywhere will “Blow the Whistle on Stop-and-Frisk” so no one’s rights will be trounced on in silence. Go to"

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InterOccupy | At least 60 Protests to Target Makers of Genetically Engineered Foods on Anniversary of Occupy Movement

InterOccupy | At least 60 Protests to Target Makers of Genetically Engineered Foods on Anniversary of Occupy Movement: "WORLDWIDE – An expanding network of concerned individuals known as Occupy Monsanto has emerged over the past 8 months staging numerous protests at companies connected to the global trade of genetically engineered foods, also known as GMOs. The network announced today that on September 17, 2012 protests will begin for an entire week in St. Louis, home of the Monsanto Corporation, and across the US including California where voters will decide if they will label GMOs this election and worldwide in Argentina, Canada, Germany, India, Philippines, and other countries where concern over GMO impact on the environment and human health is growing. The protests will vary in size and nature but are unified in pushing back GMO food into the lab from which it came. An interactive map with times, dates and locations of the 60+ protests can be found at"

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InterOccupy | Upcoming: OWS/Occupy/Indignados International Network Meetings

InterOccupy | Upcoming: OWS/Occupy/Indignados International Network Meetings: "When:  September 8, 2012 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm; CALL;  Tags: TTSInternational; HOST: The International Network of Occupy activists;  FOR WHOM: Anyone interested in planning upcoming international actions. PURPOSE: Join the international movement via voice chat with activists all over the world to help plan our upcoming actions for the rest of the year."

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InterOccupy | globalNoise Mumble Meeting

InterOccupy | globalNoise Mumble Meeting: "When: July 6, 2012 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Repeats: Weekly on Friday - forever; CALL;  Tags: globalNOISE; NOTES AND AGENDAS; HOST: globalNOISE Planning Group;  FOR WHOM: Anyone interested in planning a coordinated, simultaneous global day of casseroles (potbanging) or other form of protest on a date TBD in October. We need people who can galvanize GAs, Occupations and all movements to stand together in solidarity and make some noise. PURPOSE: To initiate a coordinated, global day of protest in October 2012. Date TBD. INTENDED OUTCOMES: A stronger, united, international network of activists. MUMBLE INSTRUCTIONS:"

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InterOccupy | S17: Affinity Group Spokescouncil – Remote Participation

InterOccupy | S17: Affinity Group Spokescouncil – Remote Participation: "When: August 24, 2012 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm; Repeats: Weekly on Friday until September 15, 2012; CALL;  Tags: s17nyc;    REGISTER FOR THIS CALL; NOTES AND AGENDA"

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InterOccupy | 52 Shades of Greed – An Illustrated Education in Playing Cards! Help Us Give Away 1000 Decks on S17

InterOccupy | 52 Shades of Greed – An Illustrated Education in Playing Cards! Help Us Give Away 1000 Decks on S17: "All of the illustrators came in with incredible excitement and ideas for this collaboration. The vision evolved into making a visually dynamic and coherent set of cards with text and illustrations that would give people a snapshot of who the players are in this casino we call the world financial system. I am thrilled to say that it was a Huge success. The completed designs can be viewed here:"

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On S17, Rise Up Against Wall Street's Debt to the Entire Planet | OCCUPY WALL STREET

On S17, Rise Up Against Wall Street's Debt to the Entire Planet | OCCUPY WALL STREET: "We are not going to shop our way out of this. Those who can afford to, might change a few lightbulbs and eat a greener diet, but if we act alone, the environmental crisis will escalate completely beyond our control. Without a massive, collective resistance to fossil fuel extraction around the world, our efforts will fall short. They're betting on our fear and obedience. They're betting wrong. Together, on September 17th, we’re withdrawing our complicity from a financial system that relentlessly borrows against our future. So join us at 10 a.m at Bowling Green in New York City for a convergence of the 99%. Bring your signs. Bring your banners. Bring yourselves and bring your friends."

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Council of Elders Release Greensboro Declaration | OCCUPY WALL STREET

Council of Elders Release Greensboro Declaration | OCCUPY WALL STREET: "The Council Elders, originated by some of the veterans of the Civil Rights movement, is releasing the Greensboro Declaration simultaneously in DC, NY, Detroit & the SF/ Bay Area on September 12 at 11am. The statement was created during a gathering at the site of the first non-violent Lunch Counter Sit- Ins initiated by 4 courageous students at the Woolworth 5&10 Cents Store in Greensboro, NC in 1960.  The intent of the Declaration is to throw a bright prophetic light on the disastrous state of the Republic in the midst of Conventions and debates on the economic and social crisis & much hopelessness. The desire of the over forty prominent signers is that the Southern Freedom Movement of the Sixties that was once the conscience of this nation can still have that resonance in its new expanded form, which includes leading Elders representing a broad cross section of social change communities and movements."

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Caravan for Peace Arrives in New York | OCCUPY WALL STREET

Caravan for Peace Arrives in New York | OCCUPY WALL STREET: "The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity is the first bi-national, independent, non-partisan, and non-violent initiative against organized crime, money laundering, HSCB, Citibank Bank and other greedy financial institutions. They are equally responsible for the bloodshed caused by the drug lords and the corrupt Mexican government serving them. "..."Here is the itenerary for the Caravan's visit to New York."

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - New Media!

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - New Media!: "There have been loads of beautiful submissions to our media drop page. Check out a few in this post and see more on the media page."

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Day of Global Protest – September 15

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Day of Global Protest – September 15: "Many Russian activists have put forward a proposal to hold simultaneous protest demonstrations against world-crime-regime one and the same day all around the world – and to start it right at the day September 15! There may be such common requirements as: 1) Disarmament and cessation of all military conflicts; 2) Redistribution of profits to the side of low-income citizens; 3) Freedom of the media. Providing 5 hours daily in prime time on one of the central TV channels to discuss the problems and formulation of national programs of reforms held in the format of free microphone ( “Occupy TV” ). 4) Other topics of protest demonstrations may vary by country-specific situation. "

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Illustrated posters for outreach

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Illustrated posters for outreach: "Michael Daly Artist kindly submitted this set of outreach material and posters:"

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Help Get the word out

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Help Get the word out: "Are you an introvert? Would you rather swallow glass than approach a stranger on the street? Don’t sweat it – you can still help do outreach for S17. NATIONALLY Not in NYC? No sweat. Fill out this form to do important national phone banking for s17. You will be given clear step by step instructions with a script to guide you: IN NYC If you are in NYC and want to help spread the word, here’s how:"

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - S17 Everything You Need to Know Update! Important Info – Share Widely!

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - S17 Everything You Need to Know Update! Important Info – Share Widely!: "On September 15-17th in New York City, we are organizing three days of education, celebration and resistance to economic injustice with a full slate of permitted convergences, family friendly assemblies, a big concert, and mass civil disobedience on that Monday in the heart of the financial district. The evolving schedule as well as detailed information can be found at Below is everything you need to know, whether you are planning to join us in NYC or planning a solidarity action locally."

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#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - NYC 9/8: OWS Will March in Labor Parade with Professional Staff Congress at CUNY

#S17 – Occupy Wall Street - NYC 9/8: OWS Will March in Labor Parade with Professional Staff Congress at CUNY: "This is a great opportunity before S 17 to demonstrate our integration into and support from the labor movement. In fact, this will refute the message with which the main stream media is approaching S 17 — that labor has abandoned its alliance with Occupy Wall Street, so OWS is dead." 'via Blog this'

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The case for Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein

I know she stands a small chance to get elected, but I'm more than tired of people professedly voting for the lesser of two evils.  Our nation is building a terrible debt for our children and grandchildren, and I don't have any hope for change from the two monoliths that are the Demos and Repubs.

She is forwarding a "Green New Deal" that calls for gov support for new jobs that better the environment (and thus our economy.)  After all, good conservation practices and producing new environmentally friendly products are good for the bottom line-- for companies and the gov.

She would also carry a great mandate to take a lot of money out of today's politics, money that has an undue inside influence over the offices of our own representatives.

Above all, she will fight climate change by improving the environment.  The oceans are rising and will continue to unless we do our part in the world community of lowering the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere; most of the rest of the world is waiting on the US to actually do something about it-- we are one of the world's most wasteful countries.

A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for the positive values of a much greener economy for ours, and the world's, sake.  Thanks for listening.  David Weller, Activism News

For more information, please visit