Saturday, July 2, 2011

A 10-point plan for national civic renewal

Peter Levine's 10-Point Plan: 
1. Choose one grave national issue and use federal policy to support participatory, deliberative solutions. 
2. Pass the Fair Elections Now Act or a close equivalent. 
3. Make voluntary national service a means to develop civic capacities. 
4. Prepare a new generation of active and responsible citizens. 
5. Put citizenship back in the civil service. 
6. Support charter schools, Community Development Corporations, watershed councils, and Federal Qualified Health Centers. 
7. Give the public a voice in policymaking. 
8. Use the Internet to make the regulatory process more deliberative. 
9. Launch a Civic Communications Corps. 
10. Incorporate immigrants into civic life.

This is an occasional public engagement to-do list by a national leader, Peter Levine. Let's get busy-- all citizens on call!


  1. who is Peter Levine?
    Who is to choose "One issue" and how are they to get the Fed to act on it...?
    What is the Fair Elections Now act?
    How are we to give the public a voice in policymaking.

    It seems vague and presumptive of the existences of gobs of political capital in storage for folks to just wake up and use it... I s'pose that could happen, but my own prejudices make me not want to count on it...

  2. You Should know Peter Levine. Peter Levine is Director of CIRCLE, The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement and Research director of Tufts University’s Jonathan Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service. He is a leader in the public engagement field, which you show know about. Check out his bio, at
