Here are many problems encountered by Americans this present election cycle:
- Partisan state Secretaries of State, local elections officials and US Supreme Court
- Electronic voting machines that were, and will be, hacked to corrupt the vote count; ballots aren't counted before the public
- Unlimited secret money fueling federal candidate campaigns
- Attack ads to total in the billions of dollars this election cycle
- Robo calls-- automated, computerized, unsolicited phone calls to potential voters conducted by many candidates across the country
- Registered voters are to present a Voter ID, sometimes with picture, before they can vote
- Many states don't have same-day voter registration service for voters on General election day
- Two-party-rigged state congressional redistricting after each 10-year US Census
- Winner-take-all "first past the post" election system-- the election winner can win by a mere plurality-- or less than 50%-- of the people that voted
- Two-party dominated ballot access state regulations, that vary across the country
- The Federal Election Commission is hijacked by a major national party
- The red shift Election Poll "Adjustment Process" that falsely affirms the election winner
- The US Senate voted against the [campaign finance] DISCLOSURE Act
- Anti-petitioning regulations; and they vary from state to state across the country
- The major political parties' national nominating conventions are financially supported by the taxpayer
- Presidential candidates devote almost all campaigning to several battleground states
- US Senate candidates don't electronically submit their FEC campaign reports
- Big presidential campaign contributors get preferentially hired for Administration posts
- The entire voting system (machines, supply, counting) is controlled by commercial companies
- General election day is held on a Tuesday; some states don't have Early Voting days
If we are to enjoy confidence in our voter registration, voting and counting of those votes, we must return to a national culture that values a clean and fair electoral system and process.
"5. Robo calls-- automated, computerized, unsolicited phone calls to potential voters conducted by many candidates across the country."
ReplyDelete--- This is the worst problem I can't tolerate during election. They never stop. So what I do, when I get these politicking calls, I report the phone number to and post a complaint against the caller.
They wanted publicity? Then I'll give them that. Negative publicity.