Sunday, September 1, 2013

EveryVote - University Elections

EveryVote - University Elections:

  • EV actively supports the development of free, publicly downloadable, comprehensive USA college candidate and official databases, so that Americans can learn about, share their opinion, and contact all of their candidates and officials through one convenient web page.

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10 Ways to Collaborate with Government

10 Ways to Collaborate w/ Gov | Code for America:

  • To help citizens get started in their community, we’ve put together the guide How To: Collaborate with Government. We wanted to share a list of 10 tips for reaching out and collaborating with government.

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Changing Communities for the Better Through Citizen Academy

Changing Communities for the Better Through Citizen Academy | Points of Light:
  • Whether you’re a community organizer, a nonprofit worker, a social entrepreneur or just someone who wants to help your neighbors, Points of Light’s Citizen Academy can give you the skills you need to make a difference.
    • Beyond academic year 2013-2014, Points of Light will be working with a series of university partners to design a full community-engaged leadership program. Students enrolled in the Citizen Academy program will develop key critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills to empower communities to address their social, political and economic challenges. 
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    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    November 23-29, 2013 World Forum for Democracy

    World Forum for Democracy - Home - Council of Europe:
    • The Council of Europe is in a unique position to bring together elected politicians and civil society leaders to discuss the impact of technological change on established democratic structures and institutions.
      • The Forum will look into the opportunities and risks of a number of participatory initiatives and test their solidity and longevity in an open debate with elected politicians.
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      Sunday, August 25, 2013

      Let’s Start Practicing Civil Discourse

      Let’s Start Practicing Civil Discourse by George Wolfe | InterMix:
      • Mediation is a process that can be used to resolve disputes between parties in conflict. The approach stipulates certain ground rules that can also be applied to our daily conversations with friends, colleagues, rivals and strangers. If these simple rules are observed and practiced when we engage in interfaith dialog, personal conversation and group discussion, rhetoric that can lead to misunderstanding and conflict is minimized. Our problem-solving efforts will then be far more constructive, increasing our chances of finding common ground. What follows is a list of mediation ground rules that I have modified to fit the forums of personal and public discourse.
      See discourse ground rules.

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      Saturday, August 24, 2013

      Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Two-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street

      About Us « Occupy Wall Street S17:

      • Although the primary focus of S17 is on the events that marked the beginning of Occupy Wall Street in New York, we are also celebrating the expansion of the movement beyond that day. We welcome all thoughts about how OWS has been effective in raising awareness of the social challenges brought on by the economic failures of Wall Street in all parts of American and the world at large.
        • We would appreciate having your opinions about the value and direction needed to bring about change by Occupy Wall Street and all activist groups. Please send your comments to and we will include them on the front page of the site.

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        Friday, August 23, 2013

        Keypads may be useful in deliberative forums and meetings

        PUBLICAGENDA.ORG - Click to Engage:
        • We are particularly focused on the use of keypads to support deliberative forums and meetings tied to collaborative problem solving. Such meetings are often designed and run by impartial facilitators, who bring a broad range of stakeholders together across perspectives to increase mutual understanding, work through difficult issues and move toward productive collaborative action.
        Download the PDF of the Report.

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        Monday, August 19, 2013

        September 8, 2013 virtual gathering: Can you hear me now? The troublesome democratic divide online

        Can you hear me now? The troublesome democratic divide online – Sept. 18 virtual gathering | – Project Blog:

        • Today, the New York Times shared a story on the millions of Americans who remain unplugged and we invited our Digital Inclusion Network members to offer their two cents. Our view is that democratic divide is much wider than the digital divide, so therefore we must proactively use civic technology to help build stronger and more inclusive communities and democracies and not wait for everyone to be online.
          • ... to raise new and more representative voices online, you need to reach out to people of color and to people in the political center to make up the most ground. As a non-partisan, non-profit online civic engagement project, we have a special responsibility to make up for .com and .org advocacy efforts whose bottom line is either to reach the most advertiser sought out people or to reach those most willing to speak out for their cause.

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          All Angles is an experiment in online consensus building

          All Angles:

          • We have all come across complicated issues that have so many opinions and facts that it’s hard to determine the right action to take.
            • All Angles is a tool where everyone can come together, organize all we know and summarize the information into a consensus.
            See the video for an explanation.

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            Saturday, August 17, 2013

            ALEC doesn't want other people involved in the political process

            Inside the 'ALEC Universe' | Eye on ALEC, Q&A, What Matters Today |

            • That sentiment was underscored so many times to me, that they don’t want people involved in the political process, or in the policy process. And that seems to be the intent in a lot of ways: You have a think tank in every state and all they do is come up with these very, very regressive policies, you have corporations who are going to benefit so they fund it all, and then you have the legislators as your foot soldiers to carry out the tasks.

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            DemocracyMap - Discover your representatives from all levels of government

            DemocracyMap - Discover and understand the civic entities for a specific location | EngagingCities:

            • The current DemocracyMap prototype provides primary contact information for every city, county, and state in the U.S. as well as contact information for all state and national legislators, all governors, all county officials, and over 100,000 municipal officials.
              • At its core, DemocracyMap is helping people connect with their government and better understand the civic entities that represent a community.

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              Thursday, August 15, 2013

              Civil disobedience as law enforcement

              Civil disobedience as law enforcement - Waging Nonviolence:

              • Based on the Justinian Code’s protection of res communes, governments have long served as trustees for rights held in common.
                • Legal rationales have played a critical role in many nonviolent movements. They strengthen participants by lending a sense of clarity that they are not promoting personal opinions by criminal means but rather performing a public duty. And they strengthen a movement’s appeal to the broader society by presenting action not as wanton lawbreaking but as an effort to rectify governments and institutions that are themselves in violation of the law.
                  • Future climate protesters can proudly proclaim that they are actually climate protectors, upholding the law, not violating it. Nobody should expect American judges to start acquitting protesters on public trust grounds any time soon. But juries that try climate protesters should keep in mind that they have the right and the responsibility to acquit those they believe have violated no just law.

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                  Wednesday, August 14, 2013

                  Saturday, August 24, 2013 March on Washington

                  It's time for another March on Washington - Common Cause:

                  • In 1963, hundreds of thousands marched on the National Mall, demanding equal treatment for all Americans. Two years later, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were signed into law. When the people spoke, Washington listened.
                    • Fifty years later, special interests have captured our democracy and used it to pass extremist laws like “Stand Your Ground”, while the Supreme Court's gutting of the Voting Rights Act has opened the door to unprecedented partisan assaults on voting rights.
                      • Join us as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. With your help, we'll make sure they listen this time too.
                        • What: March on Washington
                        • When: Saturday, August 24, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                        • Where: National Mall Washington DC
                        RSVP at Common Cause.

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                        The FOIA Machine hopes to be ready for public use soon

                        FOIA Machine by The Center for Investigative Reporting — Kickstarter:

                        • Some of America’s top investigative reporters are building a sophisticated and open online platform to give people a legal way to get these secrets from the government. It’s called FOIA Machine, it's almost ready to launch and we need your help. 
                          • The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), called “FOY-ah” by journalists, is at the heart of public demands for government accountability. This federal law says anyone can make a freedom of information request. Many states have similar legislation, often called sunshine laws. 

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                          Some White House Petitions Are Still Unanswered More Than a Year After Earning a Response

                          Some White House Petitions Are Still Unanswered More Than a Year After Earning a Response [UPDATED] | TechPresident:

                          • Since the launch of the White House's "We the People" e-petition site, 232 petitions have met their signature thresholds, which are supposed to trigger an official response from the administration. So far, 202 of those have been responded to, in an average of 61 days. Of the 30 unanswered petitions, the average wait time is a whopping 240 days, or eight months.
                            • These delightful facts have been surfaced by Eli Dourado, a research fellow at the Mercatus Center of George Mason University. He built his new transparency site,, "because the list of successful petitions that are awaiting a reply seems like a glaring omission from the We The People site."

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                            Tuesday, August 13, 2013

                            Technology, when it works, amplifies the impact of individuals

                            Technology, when it works, amplifies the impact of individuals: Why I'm Coding for America | EngagingCities:

                            • I code for America because I believe in the power of technology to make the world a better place. Technology, when it works, amplifies the impact of individuals – making it easier for friends and families to connect, informing and inspiring people, and empowering communities to solve real problems together.
                              • ... to build technology that really works, you must collaborate with your users and stakeholders on their own terms, while respecting their motivations and needs. You must engage with them as true partners, transparently communicate your own motivations, and always be open to criticism.

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                              Google launches Android app to funnel $1 at a time toward good causes

                              Google launches charity app to funnel $1 at a time toward good causes | VentureBeat:

                              • Google has officially launched One Today, an Android app that puts the spotlight on great charities and lets you give $1 at a time.
                                • The whole premise helps to eliminate a few roadblocks that stand between your money and deserving nonprofits.

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                                Monday, August 12, 2013

                                Paid Time Off For Volunteering Gains Traction as Way to Retain Employees

                                Paid Time Off For Volunteering Gains Traction as Way to Retain Employees | Case Foundation:

                                • In recent years, Max Lubarsky has volunteered all over the region. He's cleaned up the bird exhibit at the National Zoo. He's worked with Habitat for Humanity to build a house in Northeast Washington. He's laid mulch for the Trust for the National Mall.
                                  • And Lubarsky, a junior analyst at District-based Carlyle Group, was able to do all of this during the workday without using any vacation time.

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                                  Sunday, August 11, 2013

                                  August 22, 2013 CommunityMatters conference call features "Secrets of Successful Communities"

                                  NCDD Community News » CommunityMatters Call + $500 = Be There:

                                  • The next CommunityMatters conference call on Thursday, August 22nd will feature Ed McMahon, Senior Fellow at the Urban Land Institute, and his “Secrets of Successful Communities.”
                                    • CommunityMatters is encouraging anyone – individuals, local organizations or community groups – to organize “listening parties” for people to come together, listen and discuss how Ed’s call relates to their city or town. As a bonus, the Orton Family Foundation is offering four (4) $500 awards to groups that hold parties and decide to take action as a result.
                                      • Learn more at
                                        • CommunityMatters helps cities and towns steward change by fostering “civic infrastructure” – the systems and structures that give people the power and the tools to solve their community’s problems and shape its future.

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                                        Friday, August 9, 2013

                                        Free tool monitors public procurement for corruption

                                        Homepage - Transparency International-USA:

                                        • TI-USA has recently completed the Civil Society Procurement Monitoring (CSPM) Tool, a web-based tool that is meant to support Civil Society Organizations and individuals who are engaged in monitoring public procurement.

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                                        Wednesday, August 7, 2013

                                        The Civic Commons is a civic engagement utility and consultancy

                                        Civic Commons and ideastream join forces with Knight Foundation support - Knight Foundation:

                                        • The Civic Commons is a civic engagement utility and consultancy serving community leaders, institutions and the growing desire of citizens to be engaged and empowered on key civic decisions. The Civic Commons is an online environment combining the best and most effective aspects of social networking and social media. Its mission is to build conversations and connections that have the power to become informed, productive and collective civic action.

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                                        Sunday, August 4, 2013

                                        July 30th is now National Whistleblower Appreciation Day

                                        Honoring America’s Truth-Tellers:

                                        • In salute to our nation’s truth-tellers who in good faith and accordance to federal law come forward with information to uphold the people’s business and hold government to account, I [U.S. Senator Grassley] authored a resolution that passed the Senate designating July 30, 2013, as “National Whistleblower Appreciation Day.” 
                                          • Whistleblowers are pivotal pieces of the oversight puzzle.  Their work ensures that our system of checks and balances operates effectively.

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                                          Saturday, August 3, 2013

                                          What is Placemaking?

                                          Project for Public Spaces | What is Placemaking?:
                                          • Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. Put simply, it involves looking at, listening to, and asking questions of the people who live, work and play in a particular space, to discover their needs and aspirations. This information is then used to create a common vision for that place. The vision can evolve quickly into an implementation strategy, beginning with small-scale, do-able improvements that can immediately bring benefits to public spaces and the people who use them.
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                                          Friday, August 2, 2013

                                          "Ethics and morals and activism"

                                          adjusting for laws,
                                          the historical morals
                                          rate is at new lows

                                          there is a blatant
                                          conflict of interest when
                                          revolving doors spin

                                          government reform
                                          means having to say sorry
                                          for my corruption

                                          "Jesus, how do you know?"
                                          "It's instinct, it's the first thought."
                                          Activism does.

                                          activism is
                                          love in politics that's
                                          not anti-government

                                          Wednesday, July 31, 2013

                                          New Poll on American Attitudes Toward Public Service

                                          National Commission on Political Reform Releases New Poll on American Attitudes Toward Public... -- PHILADELPHIA, July 23, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --:

                                          • The Bipartisan Policy Center's (BPC) Commission on Political Reform and USA TODAY released a new national poll that shows Americans are interested in participating in public service, but are reluctant to run for and serve in public office.
                                            • "Americans support multiple ways to serve their communities, and they value it highly.  But they are increasingly skeptical of the value of some types of governmental service, given the hyper-partisanship that has coarsened the tenor of politics and prevented government from being able to achieve results.  We must change that environment to restore government's capacity to solve problems," said former U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe, a commission co-chair and BPC senior fellow.

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                                            Saturday, July 27, 2013

                                            50 Ways to Be a More Engaged, Active Citizen This Year

                                            Building Blocks of Citizenship: 50 Ways to Be a More Engaged, Active Citizen This Year | Citizenship on GOOD:

                                            • While we routinely spend our entire lives becoming good family members and our adulthood becoming good parents, when it comes to being good citizens, we’re stuck in a prolonged infancy.
                                              • That’s why we’ll be sharing essays, reports, and provocations over the next 50 weeks to reinforce 50 key building blocks to citizenship. Play around with them, experiment, stack them up, DO them—hopefully, by the end, we'll have learned to walk.

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                                              Why we need better public participation: Complex issues and how structure makes us think better

                                              Why we need better public participation: Complex issues and how structure makes us think better. | EngagingCities:

                                              • Our conventional way of doing public participation in this country tends to fall at one end of the freedom/constraint spectrum or the other.  We either present people with a pre-determined, pre-endorsed plan (or a couple to make it look more like a choice), or we just  throw open the microphone and say "what do you think?"  I don't know why we're surprised when we get protest, or most likely apathy, in the first case, and crazy or irrelevant feedback in the second. 
                                                • We have to find the right balance of openness and structure, of inviting feedback and keeping people on track, of getting people as deeply and constructively involved as they can be instead of settling for a lousy experience on both sides of the table.  If the only people who are benefiting from public involvement are the list-checker-offers and those who came to hear their own voice resound, then we are wasting our limited time and our more limited money.  Period. 

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                                                Thursday, July 25, 2013

                                                Politics as Usual? New Kind of Talk Needed

                                                Politics as Usual? New Kind of Talk Needed | Voice of San Diego:

                                                • The process of deliberation requires a safe place for citizens to come together, with fair information to help structure the conversation, and skilled facilitators to guide the discussion. But this is rare in our polarized political culture. We need to develop “passionately impartial” resources, based on democracy and the values it entails such as freedom, equality, inclusion, transparency, trust and mutual respect.    The skilled facilitators must strive toward impartiality on the topics under discussion, lest participants dismiss the process as biased and partisan. Developing that capacity in our community is where we can begin.

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                                                Wednesday, July 24, 2013

                                                Civic Engagement Alive And Well With Older Adults

                                                Donna M. Butts: Civic Engagement Alive And Well With Older Adults:

                                                • In a recent study of civic engagement among midlife and older adults, AARP found that the spirit of volunteering is alive and well among our older generations. Since the turn of the century, volunteer engagement has jumped 14 percent with 76 percent of those 45 and older saying they have volunteered in some capacity over the last 12 months. Although volunteerism dipped during the economic downturn in 2007-2008, it has since rebounded to pre-recession levels.
                                                  • When so many adult volunteers choose to give their time to programs serving children and youth, it says tremendous things about our future. Not only are we taking the time to share our wisdom and expertise with future generations, but we're also instilling the importance of giving back and sharing -- two core American values on which many fear we're losing ground.

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                                                  Tuesday, July 23, 2013

                                                  President Obama Expands National Service Opportunities for Americans

                                                  President Obama Expands National Service Opportunities for Americans | Corporation for National and Community Service:

                                                  • Today at the White House, President Obama honored President George H.W. Bush’s lifetime of public service and announced new steps to expand opportunities for Americans to solve problems and strengthen communities through national service programs like AmeriCorps.
                                                    • Building on a longstanding tradition of bipartisan Presidential support for service and volunteerism, the President announced an interagency task force led by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). The task force will develop strategies to expand national service to meet national needs through partnerships with other Federal agencies and the private sector.
                                                      • Among other activities, the task force will make recommendations on polices to expand national service opportunities, recommend ways to coordinate volunteering and service programs across the Federal government, develop opportunities for interagency agreements between CNCS and other federal agencies, and identify public-private partnerships to expand national service.

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                                                      Monday, July 22, 2013

                                             takes policy discussions online

                                                      Digital democracy: takes policy discussions online - Knight Foundation:

                                                      • ... given recent advances in web applications, nearly all the steps of static policy analysis can be abstracted away so that assessments can be generated instantaneously based on a set of inputs. This in turn can be translated into easy-to-understand visualizations that can be starting points for our political conversations.
                                                        • Shifting these conversations online leads to a more efficient and participatory process. And it makes it easier for our electorate to voice coherent – and informed – directives to their government representatives.
                                                        See a video presentation of at the above link.

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                                                        Sunday, July 21, 2013

                                                        June 5-6, 2014 Personal Democracy Forum 2014

                                                        Personal Democracy Forum 2014 | Personal Democracy Forum:

                                                        • Personal Democracy Forum begins its second decade at the hub of politics and technology. June 5th and 6th, 2014, people will gather in NYC from dozens of professional, political, and cultural stratifications, from down the block, and across the world. 

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                                                        How Net Parties Are Changing the Rules of Politics

                                                        How Net Parties Are Changing the Rules of Politics |

                                                        • “The party is a platform, not an ideological stance.” “The party is a tool used to convert the 'one for many' structure, into a 'many for many' conversation.” “The party should be both a movement and a platform.” “The party aims to develop a method, not an ideology.”
                                                          • These aren’t mere political slogans. These are statements which define, respectively, the essence of the Wikipartido (Mexico), Partido de la Red (Argentina), Rede Sustentabilidade (Brazil) and Partido X (Spain). All four first appeared in recent months. And together they seem to pose a question to representative democracy: If the Net is changing every aspect of society, how is it that democracy remains based on 19th Century form and technology?
                                                            • ... technology isn’t just a set of tools for spreading ideas. Technology is the new process that changes the way we work, make decisions, and communicate.

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                                                            Friday, July 19, 2013

                                                            Politics II

                                                            although you can say,
                                                            "you can do it,"
                                                            there is a difference
                                                            "I'm the citizen" bit

                                                            although you can say,
                                                            "this is for you,"
                                                            there is a preference
                                                            "this is from you, too"

                                                            although you can say,
                                                            "I am serious about this,"
                                                            there is a deference
                                                            "I will diss this"

                                                            although you can say,
                                                            "God bless America,"
                                                            there is an allegiance
                                                            "that's from me, ha!"

                                                            Thursday, July 18, 2013

                                                            What Is Early Voting?

                                                            What Is Early Voting? | Demos:

                                                            • Early voting provides a means for eligible voters to cast their ballots at a time and location other than in person on Election Day.
                                                              • EARLY IN-PERSON VOTING   Voters can cast a ballot by appearing in person at a local elections office or other designated location during a designated period prior to Election Day.
                                                                • ABSENTEE VOTING  voters submit their ballots via mail or by dropping them off at designated locations. Voters simply apply for and receive an absentee ballot in the days or weeks before Election Day. Ideally, absentee ballots are available to any eligible voter, without requiring a narrowly defined reason or “excuse” to obtain and vote an absentee ballot.

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                                                                Beginning September 23, 2013: Dialogue, Deliberation, and Public Engagement Certificate Program

                                                                National Issues Forums: News:

                                                                • The Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy at Kansas State University is pleased to announce the award winning Dialogue, Deliberation, and Public Engagement Certificate Program (DDPE) beginning September 23rd.
                                                                  • This distinctive program focuses on developing mastery in making wise choices for bringing dialogue, deliberation, and engagement into situations where they are most effective.

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                                                                  New book: We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: The Promise of Civic Renewal in America

                                                                  Squaring the CIRCLE of Civic Engagement - Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service:

                                                                  • “Developing political strategies for citizens is just as intellectually challenging as empirical research and moral argument, but such civic strategy is much less studied, taught, and integrated,” said Peter Levine, Tisch College director of research and director of CIRCLE.
                                                                    • Levine lays out his vision for the importance of strategy in his book, We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: The Promise of Civic Renewal in America, forthcoming from the Oxford University Press. 
                                                                      • For Levine, civic engagement is most valuable when deliberation (talking and learning about public matters) is connected to work and making things, particularly collaborative efforts that produce things of public value.  Talking and working together forges relationships that he calls “scarce but renewable sources of energy and power.”
                                                                        • We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For assembles evidence that this kind of engagement, although waning in America, actually solves social problems. The book concludes with strategies for civic renewal.

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                                                                        How Race Influences Citizen Contact With Officeholders

                                                                        How Race Influences Citizen Contact With Officerholders | Demos:

                                                                        • According to some surveys, whites are twice as likely as citizens of other races to communicate with elected representatives. 
                                                                          • The racial identities of elected officials matter to citizens, my field experiments suggest. When thousands of residents of multi-member state legislative districts were invited to communicate with their legislators, blacks were much more willing – in fact, twice as willing – to communicate with black representatives, while white constituents were twice as willing to communicate with white legislators. Constituents of both races were more reluctant to send messages to legislators not of their own racial background.

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                                                                          Wednesday, July 17, 2013

                                                                          September 8, 2013, 1pmET Virtual Event on Civic Engagement in the Digital Age

                                                                          Virtual Event on Civic Engagement in the Digital Age:

                                                                          • will be hosting an online event, September 18, 2013 at 1pm Eastern Time:
                                                                            • New Voices – Civic Engagement in Digital Age Meeting
                                                                              • New Voices and Civic Tech and Engagement Convenings – goes deep locally and convenes and connects nationally and globally for lesson sharing, knowledge exchange and more. Sparked in part by the timely and disturbing numbers in’s Civic Engagement in the Digital Age report, we are leading national efforts to convene interested groups around inclusive civic tech and open government.

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                                                                              Collaboration and Innovation

                                                                              What the rest of the world can learn from Sweden about Collaboration and Innovation | Twyfords - Specialists in Collaboration:

                                                                              • Sweden is on top of the list, with its agency Vinnova, working with industry to move up the value chain and ‘embrace innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration in new ways.’ Not settling with what they have achieved so far they have recognised the need to become increasingly innovative, through collaboration, to address global challenges such as climate change, ageing of the population, pollution and resource depletion.
                                                                                • Vinnova has found that solutions to complex societal challenges are rarely found in one traditional sector or a single research field. Diversity is the key factor that drives innovation, provided that the players are prepared to work collaboratively. ‘New collaboration patterns are emerging between actors in different value chains’ with remarkable results. 

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                                                                                Community Engagement ToolKit

                                                                                SPARC BC's Community Engagement ToolKit:

                                                                                • The Social Planning and Research Council of B.C. (SPARC BC) is an independent, non-partisan, registered charity working with BC communities  in building a just and healthy society for all.  The organization operates on the understanding that communities are just and healthy when people have equitable access to places, knowledge, services, adequate incomes, and community decision-making processes.  To this end, SPARC BC works with people on income security, accessibility, and community development; and on the connections between them.
                                                                                  • SPARC BC recently published a Community Engagement Toolkit to provide advice to municipalities in the design and implementation of a community engagement process.

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                                                                                  America's Commitment to Volunteerism and Service

                                                                                  America's Commitment to Volunteerism and Service | Points of Light:
                                                                                  • President H. W. Bush was the first president in U.S. history to institute a daily presidential recognition program from the White House, conferring 1,020 Daily Point of Light Awards between 1990 and 1993. And President Bush helped launch a nonprofit – Points of Light – that has become the largest organization in the world dedicated to volunteer service.
                                                                                    • President Obama built on this commitment to service when he signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in 2009, which will increase the size of AmeriCorps from 75,000 volunteers to 250,000 by 2017. In 2012, the President created the FEMA Corps program, which established a FEMA-dedicated unit of AmeriCorps members to work solely on disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts -- and he launched the platform to make it easier for Americans to find and post local volunteer opportunities. 
                                                                                      • On Monday, the White House also announced plans to establish an interagency task force led by the Corporation for National and Community Service to develop strategies to expand national service to meet national needs through collaboration with other Federal agencies.
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                                                                                      Friday, July 12, 2013

                                                                                      The Next Generation of Community Radio

                                                                                      This Year’s Best-Kept Secret: The Next Generation of Community Radio | Democracy Now!:

                                                                                      • A microphone and a radio transmitter in the hands of a community organizer imparts power, which some liken to the life-changing impact when humans first tamed fire. That’s why the prospect of 1,000 new community radio stations in the United States, for which the Federal Communications Commission will accept applications this October, is so vital and urgent.

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                                                                                      It is unclear if Dr. Gallup's favored govt. reforms will ever become reality on a nationwide basis, but Americans still largely view them as worthy ideas

                                                                                      Americans in Favor of National Referenda on Key Issues:

                                                                                      • A majority of Americans back three political reform ideas, including 68% who favor national referenda on key issues if enough voters sign a petition to request a popular vote on the issue. Roughly six in 10 favor a shortened presidential campaign lasting five weeks in the fall of an election year and a nationwide primary election to select each party's candidates for president.
                                                                                        • Americans have long supported specific reforms to the political system that would increase the influence of average citizens and decrease the sway of elected representatives, political parties, and special interest groups. These reforms include national issue referenda, campaign finance reform, and basing the presidential election outcome on the popular vote. Perhaps it is not surprising Americans would favor steps that would make their voices more influential in determining government policy.
                                                                                          • However, nearly 40 years after Dr. Gallup proposed several reform ideas, few of these have become reality in the U.S. political system. Certainly, it is difficult to amend the constitution to change some of the basic ways the system operates, or even to pass legislation to change long-standing practices. Legal challenges have also thwarted or weakened legislative attempts to reform the system, such as campaign finance reform laws. In some cases, such as with the presidential primary system, the government and political parties have made reforms but stopped short of more radical change along the lines of the nationwide primary Dr. Gallup advocated. And although the federal government has not adopted referendum or term limits, many U.S. states have in recent decades.

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                                                                                          Thursday, July 11, 2013

                                                                                          Boycott! A Call to Renew the Resistance that Works

                                                                                          Boycott! A Call to Renew the Resistance that Works |

                                                                                          • I puzzle over the tepid response to the N.S.A.-corporate phone collusion scandal. Or lukewarm challenges to what the iconic John Lewis terms the Supreme Court’s “dagger in the heart of the Voting Rights Act”? How can entrenched Republican/corporate powers, so hypersensitive to shallow publicity stains (like Paula Deen), otherwise run roughshod, upping warfare against women or the misery of debt-laden college students, graduating into adulthood as indentured servants?
                                                                                            • A quick reminder, simple, how-to kit for driving a boycott home plus big, successful modern boycotts:
                                                                                              • 1930: Gandhi’s March to the Sea defies the colonial British tax on commercial salt.
                                                                                                • 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Parks’ arrest led to comprehensive boycott led by then-unknown Martin Luther King, Jr., ended 18 months later by Supreme Court’s agreement segregated buses are unconstitutional.
                                                                                                  • 1960s: Grape Boycott: grassroots/community non-violent protest organized by the Cesar Chavez’s United Farm Workers highlighted plight of migrant workers, led to union contract and superior working conditions.
                                                                                                    • 1980-90’s: Anti-Apartheid Boycotts: embargoed financial dealings with South Africa to defy racist “apartheid” policy.

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                                                                                                    Wednesday, July 10, 2013

                                                                                                    You don’t have to be a hero to be a helper

                                                                                                    Idealist Blog » Blog Archive » You don’t have to be a hero to be a helper:

                                                                                                    • Back in April, we posted about professor Adam Grant’s endless capacity for helping and his research on the positive effects of generosity. We also listed some ways to get ahead by giving from Grant’s new book “Give and Take.” One thing we haven’t talked about, though, is the underlying feeling that may keep many of us from boarding the give-and-gain train.

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                                                                                                    August 21-25, 2013 Occupy (Inter)National Gathering 2013 Kalamazoo, Michigan

                                                                                                    Occupy (Inter)National Gathering 2013: Kalamazoo, Aug 21-25 |

                                                                                                    • Attendance encouraged by all Occupiers and interested parties. Occupy Kalamazoo will be hosting the second round of Occupy National conferences, August 21-25, 2013, following the wildly successful Occupy National Gathering that took place in Philadelphia, PA, July 2012.
                                                                                                      • We, the National Gathering Working Group 2013 (NGWG2013), propose a National Gathering of the Occupy Movement, and peoples’ movements worldwide, in Kalamazoo Michigan, to collectively assemble and embrace our different ideologies and perspectives; to find our common visions; to share our strategies and actions; and to leave this gathering with steps we can all take in both agreement and diversity; for ourselves, our communities, our nations, and for all of us all over the world.
                                                                                                        • There will be a special focus on indigenous peoples, race, gender and class throughout the convergences.
                                                                                                          • Occupy National Gathering working group (NGWG2013) is a coalition of Occupy movements from cities around the world, uniting in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and with Occupy and peoples’ movements worldwide.

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                                                                                                          Volunteering: doing good is good for you

                                                                                                          Doing good is good for you « Blog Archive « Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship Blog:

                                                                                                          • ... volunteering is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In our study with the Optum Institute, Doing Good is Good for You: 2013 Health and Volunteering Study, we found that people who volunteer feel better – physically, mentally and emotionally. And volunteers tell us that they are convinced their health is better because of the things they do when they volunteer. Doing good is good for you!
                                                                                                            • It’s true – volunteering makes us feel better. And while we’re feeling better, we’re also helping other people who benefit from our efforts feel better, too.  Everybody wins.

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                                                                                                            Tuesday, July 9, 2013

                                                                                                            Introducing Congress for iOS app

                                                                                                            Introducing Congress for iOS - Sunlight Foundation Blog:

                                                                                                            • Now it is easy to learn more about your member of Congress, contact them directly and see their activities right from your phone. Follow the latest legislation, floor activity and even get a breakdown of votes with just a swipe and tap. The new Congress app for iOS has many more features in development and complements the immensely popular version for Android.
                                                                                                              • Sunlight offers a number of apps for iOS and Android devices, such as the award-winning Sitegeist, the localized Open States and the innovative Ad Hawk.

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                                                                                                              Monday, July 8, 2013

                                                                                                              Political Fix: How Do We Get American Politics Back on Track?

                                                                                                              NCDD Resource Center » Political Fix: How Do We Get American Politics Back on Track? (NIF Issue Guide):

                                                                                                              • One of the National Issues Forums Institute’s issue guides, Political Fix: How Do We Get American Politics Back on Track? outlines this critical public issue and several choices or approaches to addressing the issue. National Issues Forums do not advocate a specific solution or point of view, but provide citizens the opportunity to consider a broad range of choices, weigh the pros and cons of those options, and meet with each other in a public dialogue to identify the concerns they hold in common.

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                                                                                                              2013 HOPE Week Begins-- Helping Others Persevere and Excel

                                                                                                     | National Service Blog: 2013 HOPE Week Begins:

                                                                                                              • HOPE Week honorees will all receive the President's Volunteer Service Award, which is given “in recognition and appreciation of commitment to strengthening the Nation and for making a difference through volunteer service.” These inspirational stories help spread the message that everyone has the ability to make their community a better place by taking the time to serve.

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                                                                                                              September 19-20, 2013 National Conference on Citizenship

                                                                                                              NCoC: 2013 National Conference on Citizenship:

                                                                                                              • The theme for this year's conference is “America's Charter: Past, Present, and Future.” This year, NCoC celebrates the 60th anniversary of our Congressional charter, which charged us to explore the meaning of and find ways to increase active citizenship in America. The event and this celebration will help participants understand the significance of where we've been as a country, the civic reawakening we are experiencing now, and how we carry this revitalized sense of purpose forward.

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                                                                                                              Introducing CrossCloud: A project to get your data out of silos

                                                                                                              Introducing CrossCloud: A project to get your data out of silos - Knight Foundation:

                                                                                                              • When Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, he imagined it being a better way for people around the world to share knowledge and work together to solve humanity's greatest problems. It’s often everything he hoped for, he says, but it sometimes falls short when websites and applications lock away data. Too often, people are stuck using a site because that's where their data is or that's where their friends or co-workers are. Such restrictions stifle innovation and cut off support for a new generation of vital tools for knowledge sharing.
                                                                                                                • Today we are happy to announce a Prototype Fund grant to the Crosscloud Project, an experimental effort led by Tim Berners-Lee and Sandro Hawke at W3C/MIT. Crosscloud aims to give individuals control of their own data. It consists of a set of protocols and tools that allows providers to give individuals control of their data, choose who can access it and move it to other systems as needed. Building on standard Semantic Web and Linked Data Technologies, it allows people to communicate across boundaries. 

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                                                                                                                Report: 2012 Charitable Giving Grew Almost 4%, Corporate Donations Grew 12%

                                                                                                                Giving USA Report: 2012 Charitable Giving Grew Almost 4%, Corporate Donations Grew 12% | Case Foundation:

                                                                                                                • Individual charitable giving in the United States grew almost 4 percent last year, while corporate donations rose at triple that rate, according to a report that shows donations by Americans to nonprofit groups mirroring the slow recovery of the larger economy.
                                                                                                                  • Overall, U.S. donations to bolster the arts, health, religion and other activities totaled $316.2 billion in 2012, a 3.5 percent increase from the $305.5 billion donated in 2011, according to the report, "Giving USA." That was just a 1.5 percent increase when adjusted for inflation.

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                                                                                                                  Sunday, July 7, 2013

                                                                                                                  Cornel West lectures on Socrates, democracy and social responsibility

                                                                                                                  The Daily Pennsylvanian :: Cornel West lectures on Socrates, democracy and social responsibility:

                                                                                                                  • West stressed that independent thinkers must be willing to analyze their own assumptions and prejudices.

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                                                                                                                  EPIC Renews Call for Suspension of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program

                                                                                                                  EPIC - EPIC Renews Call for Suspension of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program:

                                                                                                                  • Almost 2,000 members of the public have joined EPIC's petition to the National Security Agency, urging the suspension of the NSA domestic surveillance program pending public comment.

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                                                                                                                  Civic data to inspire: the Girl emPower iPad app

                                                                                                                  Civic data to inspire: the Girl emPower iPad app : Blog:

                                                                                                                  • Civic data, such as the information gathered by GovTrack, becomes more and more powerful as an engagement tool as we get smarter at presenting the data in effective ways. The recently released Girl emPower iPad app does just that — it takes a complicated problem and uses data about members of Congress using the GovTrack API.
                                                                                                                    • Women are starkly underrepresented in political office and many leadership positions, and research suggests that this is partly because girls and young women lack role models in these fields. The Girl emPower iPad app offers a solution to this problem by connecting girls with the women who have already paved the way.

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                                                                                                                    Saturday, July 6, 2013

                                                                                                                    September 29- October 1, 2013 National Conference | Independent Sector

                                                                                                                    2013 National Conference | Independent Sector:

                                                                                                                    • LEADON : Innovation. Democracy. Impact. Advance your leadership and expand your network. Sept 29-Oct 1 in New York.
                                                                                                                      • Join us in one of the world’s great cities for the largest gathering of leaders from foundations, nonprofits, and corporate giving programs in IS history.

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                                                                                                                      Thursday, July 4, 2013

                                                                                                                      July 6-7, 2013 Global March to Dignity – Transnational Solidarity Weekend

                                                                                                                      InterOccupy | Global March to Dignity – Transnational Solidarity Weekend 6-7 July 2013 [EN. TR, PT, BG, FR, ES, IT]:

                                                                                                                      • Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt…. once more the fire of the global revolution is sweeping out the entire planet. We are taking streets, squares, parks in millions and revolting against the police brutality, torture, environmental destruction, corruption, the looting of the commons by the 1%.

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                                                                                                                      Report: Building a Culture of Participation: Citizen Engagement in Vancouver, BC

                                                                                                                      NCDD Resource Center » Building a Culture of Participation: Citizen Engagement in Vancouver, BC:

                                                                                                                      • Report describes workshop outcomes and participant ideas to empower citizens of Vancouver, British Columbia in official city decision-making.

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                                                                                                                      August 1, 2013 New Voices, Civic Engagement in the Digital Age Report Discussion

                                                                                                                      Post in Save the Date - Aug 1, 2 pm San Francisco - New Voices, Civic Engagement in the Digital Age Report Discussion: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online:

                                                                                                                      • I encourage us commit ourselves to efforts that use civic technology and open government to raise new voices and build power for less represented groups in society. We can build on "open to all" access to information, transparency, accountability, etc. and add "used by (a more representative) all" to our efforts. By digging into the numbers and looking for engagement opportunities, I sincerely believe we can use civic tech to build far great civic participation.

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                                                                                                                      Monday, July 1, 2013

                                                                                                                      September 22-24, 2013 Social Good Summit

                                                                                                                      Social Good Summit 2013 - Social Good Summit:

                                                                                                                      On Sunday September 22, 2013, we are going to make history. On that day (or around that day if it works better for you) we are inviting people all over the world to create and join Meetups to connect with people to discuss the biggest challenges facing our world. We’re all answering the same big question: "How can new technology and new media create solutions for the biggest problems facing my community and create a better future by the year 2030?"

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                                                                                                                      July 4, 2013 Restore the Fourth protests across the nation

                                                                                                                      Home | Restore the Fourth:

                                                                                                                      Find a Protest in Your Area.

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                                                                                                                      How to protest against NSA surveillance on the Fourth of July

                                                                                                                      People's Blog for the Constitution » How to protest against NSA surveillance on Fourth of July:

                                                                                                                      This is a guide we put together about planning and executing successful protests.

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                                                                                                                      July 9-10, 2013 A Summit of Leading Practices


                                                                                                                      Center for Priority Based Budgeting 2013 Conference Registration.  "A Summit of Leading Practices."  Arlington, VA (Washington, DC Area).  Hilton Crystal City Hotel.  July 9-10, 2013 Register Today!

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                                                                                                                      Sunday, June 30, 2013

                                                                                                                      12 Very Real Voter-Suppression Tactics Experts Now Worry Will Come Back

                                                                                                                      12 Very Real Voter-Suppression Tactics Experts Now Worry Will Come Back - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities:
                                                                                                                      In her dissent to the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling Tuesday gutting the core of the Voting Rights Act, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg evoked the long history of persistent tactics that have been used to prevent minorities in the United States from voting.
                                                                                                                      "Early attempts to cope with this vile infection resembled battling the Hydra," she wrote. "Whenever one form of voting discrimination was identified and prohibited, others sprang up in its place."
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                                                                                                                      Friday, June 28, 2013

                                                                                                                      September 22-24, 2013 IAP2 USA North American Conference

                                                                                                                      IAP2 USA - IAP2 North American Conference:

                                                                                                                      Participate in creating the conference program! Review, like, & comment on the proposals we've received. Provide your feedback to the Program Committee for the sessions  or IAP2 Talks  you like best.

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                                                                                                                      Thursday, June 27, 2013

                                                                                                                      October 26, 2013 Global Issues Conference: Understanding Social Media and Global Change

                                                                                                                      Understanding Social Media and Global Change | Global Issues Conference | Manchester Community College:

                                                                                                                      ... the need to understand the role of emerging social technologies on our ever-shrinking global stage has never been more immediate.
                                                                                                                      The conferences provide a forum to introduce and examine topics such as economics, politics and religion, and serve to promote peaceful relations by encouraging awareness and appreciation of cross-cultural diversity. 

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                                                                                                                      CommunityMatters: Connecting Community, Activating Change

                                                                                                                      NCDD Resource Center » CommunityMatters: Connecting Community, Activating Change:

                                                                                                                      CommunityMatters helps cities and towns steward change by fostering what we call “civic infrastructure.” Civic infrastructure consists of the opportunities, activities and arenas, both online and face-to-face, that allow people to connect with each other, solve problems, make decisions and celebrate community. There is no prescription for what strong civic infrastructure looks like – there is no silver bullet. Instead, we offer a diverse set of tools and resources that communities can adapt to best serve their local culture.

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                                                                                                                      The Knight News Challenge Open Government programs announces its winners

                                                                                                                      Open Government projects receive more than $3.2 million as winners of Knight News Challenge - Knight Foundation:

                                                                                                                      The Knight News Challenge Open Government program has announced 8 winning projects that will receive a total of $3.2 million dollars in funding. The projects are all focused on some aspect of changing the way people and governments interact.

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                                                                                                                      Tuesday, June 25, 2013

                                                                                                                      July 22-23, 2013 Citizens’ Civility Symposium

                                                                                                                      NCDD Community News » You’re Invited: Citizens’ Civility Symposium next month:

                                                                                                                      The Citizens’ Civility Symposium will take place in DC on Monday, July 22nd and Tuesday, July 23rd, and members of the NCDD are encouraged to attend! 

                                                                                                                      The symposium is a bi-partisan gathering of national and community leaders examining the importance, challenges, and opportunities for practicing civility in the current culture of partisanship and polarization. Come learn about the civility landscape, hear from experts and practitioners in the civility movement, and listen to past and present members of Congress discuss civility on Capitol Hill.

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                                                                                                                      The political 1% of the 1% in 2012 and their federal campaign contributions

                                                                                                                      The Political 1% of the 1% in 2012 - Sunlight Foundation Blog:

                                                                                                                      The U.S. now has a campaign finance system where a tiny slice of individuals – 31,385 people, not even enough to fill half of a professional football stadium – collectively account for more than a quarter of all individual contributions (that we can trace), even though they represent just one in ten thousand Americans. Every single member of Congress elected in 2012 received a contribution from this group of individuals, and the vast majority of those elected (84 percent) received more money from the "1% of the 1%" than they did from all small donations (under $200). 

                                                                                                                      A tiny sliver of Americans who can afford to give tens of thousands of dollars in a single election cycle have become the gatekeepers of public office in America. Through the growing congressional dependence on their contributions, they increasingly set the boundaries and limits of American political discourse – who can run for office, what their priorities should be and even what can be said in public. And in an era of unlimited campaign contributions, the power of the 1% of the 1% only stands to grow with each passing year.

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                                                                                                                      Reports: Public Engagement in California: New research on the state of our democracy

                                                                                                                      NCDD Community News » Public Engagement in California: New research on the state of our democracy:

                                                                                                                      The reports summarize the perspectives of 1,400 public officials and leaders of civic organizations on the state of public participation in local government decision making in California.

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                                                                                                                      Report: Election Administration Recommendations and Case Studies

                                                                                                                      Lawyer's Commitee for Civil Rights Under Law:

                                                                                                                      "Election Administration Recommendations and Case Studies; Lawyers' Committee submits report to the Presidential Commission on Election Administration"

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                                                                                                                      Monday, June 24, 2013

                                                                                                                      Text President Obama

                                                                                                                      Text President Obama Your Gripes About Student Debt:

                                                                                                                      Each day, between Monday and Friday, the president will answer one question forwarded to him by DoSomething. His response will be sent out to everyone who participates in the campaign.

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                                                                                                                      Rank the Vote: Comparing Voting in Ireland to the United States

                                                                                                             | Rank the Vote: Comparing Voting in Ireland to the United States:

                                                                                                                      The U.S. Constitution does not force every state to elect congressional representatives from single-seat districts; states are free to elect them how they choose, subject to federal regulation. That means that only statutory and state law changes would be needed to adopt an American version of the Irish system for congressional and state legislative elections.

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                                                                                                                      Report: Certain Age Groups May Encounter More Ethics Risk

                                                                                                                      Certain Age Groups May Encounter More Ethics Risk, Says New Report from the Ethics Resource Center | Ethics Resource Center:

                                                                                                                      The report delves into trends among four specific generational groups [in the workplace]- Millenials, Generation X (Gen X’ers), Boomers, and Traditionalists. Each generation, shaped by significant world events and cultural trends, exhibits distinct differences when it comes to ethics.  According to the study, certain age groups are more “at risk” than others when it comes to the four key measures of ethical performance- pressure to compromise standards, misconduct, reporting, and retaliation.

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                                                                                                                      Sunday, June 23, 2013

                                                                                                                      Report: An Empirical Analysis of Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decisions

                                                                                                                      State Courts Resources Page | ACS

                                                                                                                      "Justice at Risk: An Empirical Analysis of Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decisions"  by Joanna Shepherd, Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law report commissioned by ACS), published June 11, 2013.

                                                                                                                      How to Mobilize Civic Engagement

                                                                                                                      How to Mobilize Civic Engagement | Case Foundation:

                                                                                                                      Enter iLegislate -- a new iPad app from Granicus -- to streamline engagement. Through powerful civic engagement dashboards and integration with Granicus’ Citizen Participation Suite, government leaders can now connect with regular citizens.

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                                                                                                                      Thursday, June 20, 2013

                                                                                                                      June 20, 2013 Daily Sites / Stories News


                                                                                                                      • POPVOX - tell your US representatives what you think, then share it (US)
                                                                                                                        • Taproots - social enterprise pro bono work
                                                                                                                        • Bribespot - report bribes anonymously with a cell phone app (World)



                                                                                                                        • US Vote - complete voter service
                                                                                                                        • Election Protection - get help for your voter registration, voting questions and problems (US)



                                                                                                                        • - daily political happenings in Washington, DC
                                                                                                                        • Occupy - Occupy movement news


                                                                                                                        • CommonBlog - Common Cause - government and political reform
                                                                                                                        • CitizenVox - Public Citizen - consumer news and corporate reform
                                                                                                                        • PolicyShop - Demos - a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy
                                                                                                                        • U.S. PIRG - a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society
                                                                                                                        • CREW - ensure government officials -regardless of party affiliation- act with honesty and integrity and merit the public trust
                                                                                                                        • -  environmental / climate movement
                                                                                                                        • EDF Voices - Environmental Defense Fund - preserving the natural systems on which all life depends
                                                                                                                          • Arguments - Democracy: A Journal of Ideas - articles by politicians and news journalists


                                                                                                                          • The Tabulation - The Concord Coalition - advocating generationally responsible fiscal policy
                                                                                                                          • POGO Blog - Project on Government Oversight - champions good government reforms
                                                                                                                          • Taxpayers for Common Sense - ensures that the federal government spends taxpayer dollars responsibly and operates within its means

                                                                                                                          Campaign Finance

                                                                                                                          • MapLight - revealing money's influence on politics


                                                                                                                          • fairvote - electoral reforms advocacy


                                                                                                                          • The FAS Blog - Federation of American Scientists (Secrecy News) - a think tank for the responsible use of technology and secrecy

                                                                                                                          Wednesday, June 19, 2013

                                                                                                                          June 19, 2013 Daily Sites / Stories News


                                                                                                                          • POPVOX - tell your US representatives what you think, then share it (US)
                                                                                                                            • Taproots - social enterprise pro bono work
                                                                                                                            • Bribespot - report bribes anonymously with a cell phone app (World)



                                                                                                                            • US Vote - complete voter service
                                                                                                                            • Election Protection - get help for your voter registration, voting questions and problems (US)



                                                                                                                            • - daily political happenings in Washington, DC
                                                                                                                            • Occupy - Occupy movement news


                                                                                                                            • CommonBlog - Common Cause - government and political reform
                                                                                                                            • CitizenVox - Public Citizen - consumer news and corporate reform
                                                                                                                            • PolicyShop - Demos - a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy
                                                                                                                            • U.S. PIRG - a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society
                                                                                                                            • CREW - ensure government officials -regardless of party affiliation- act with honesty and integrity and merit the public trust
                                                                                                                            • -  environmental / climate movement
                                                                                                                            • EDF Voices - Environmental Defense Fund - preserving the natural systems on which all life depends
                                                                                                                            • Arguments - Democracy: A Journal of Ideas - articles by politicians and news journalists


                                                                                                                            • The Tabulation - The Concord Coalition - advocating generationally responsible fiscal policy
                                                                                                                            • POGO Blog - Project on Government Oversight - champions good government reforms
                                                                                                                            • Taxpayers for Common Sense - ensures that the federal government spends taxpayer dollars responsibly and operates within its means

                                                                                                                            Campaign Finance


                                                                                                                            • fairvote - electoral reforms advocacy


                                                                                                                            • The FAS Blog - Federation of American Scientists (Secrecy News) - a think tank for the responsible use of technology and secrecy
                                                                                                                            • Deeplinks - Electronic Frontier Foundation - defending your rights in a digital world