Thursday, September 8, 2011

Activities Americans can do right now for the Tar Sands Pipeline Protest

Go to the regional Obama campaign headquarters (send plan details to!  Also, go to your Congressional Representatives Headquarters. And State Senator's and State Representative's too.

  • stand outside with signs
  • sing protest chants
  • call all the press and media, and they WILL be there!
  • have folks on hand to video and upload to and send to, all tar sands protest sites, etc.

Host a local Meetup, again creating press for it.

For every event we plan, write a local Letter to the Editor; they're free and has great coverage.

  • include the Whitehouse phone number -- (202) 456-1111 -- and local US Senators' and US Rep's. numbers for readers to call
  • include your local contact info, so they know we are active and protesting!
  • send copies of your letters to

Get a permit for a peaceful gathering at a park on a main road, or in front of a courthouse during busy hours...we plan to do this every week....we are NOT going away!

We are generating ACTION... folks calling the White House at (202) 456-1111.

Folks can go to to all Protest Tar Sands Petitions -- many organizations are creating them and sending them out.

  • send a list of their links, through emails, facebook, contacts, etc.:, friends of the earth, credoaction,, sierra club, avaaz, and many more

Write a Letter to the White House, and keep up the momentum of coverage in every town in America! That is the only thing that will get his attention.

  • send it to (their contact link is at the top-right corner of their homepage)
  • mail it through "send certified receipt requested," because if the White House has to sign for each and every letter, they get your attention!


  1. Hey this is a great site! Thank you, we'll take this country back - even though so many people need to wake up for that to happen. Ill be in DC for the Seize DC protest this spring - appreciate the posting. Another possible huge protest could be g20 convention coming up in 2012 in Mexico.

  2. Thank you! There's a lot going on right now from democracy movements.. stay tuned!
