At the beginning of every day of session in both the US House and the US Senate, a clergy person leads prayer. This venerable custom has been practiced with our elected officials for many years. These prayers aren't long, and they serve spiritual needs of our representatives and their staff.
It seems to me that most Americans don't actively communicate with their government officials when they see operationally relevant breaches occurring in the capitol. We seem to give them a pass, as if the government isn't composed of precious human beings with souls.
Yet, most of us have seen activity-- some perpetually driven-- such as: 1) neglecting unsatisfied basic needs of the poor, 2) disrespecting duly elected Pres. Obama's beliefs and authority, 3) lacking empathy for other legislators' arguments, 4) executing the death penalty on a man not proven guilty, 5) accepting, during session, business campaign contributions, 6) lacking care and regulation for our environment, 7) disdaining fiscal responsibility for our federal budget, 8) disrespecting our founding legal documents, 9) trespassing against other nations, and 10) preferring personal ideology over the nation's interest.
Regardless of the personal spiritual state of each of our elected officials-- even those who comprise our nation's highest level of government-- we, their constituents, have an absolute mandate to share with them our critical operational concerns. Easy-to-use tools for engaging with our own representatives are readily available on the internet; and those citizens without the internet can reach them in several ways.
Let us share with our government representatives any concerns over important capitol practices, even if we can only do so by minor acts of nonviolent disobedience, for they are constitutionally mandated to represent each one of us.
I'm lucky. I'm very glad to get such peace of information. Easy-written text allows us to read this article with all of these comments till the end.