- Call on Congress - 1-888-907-6886 - free info on your representatives, bills, elections and more
- POPVOX - tell your US representatives what you think, then share it (US)
- Taproots - social enterprise pro bono work
- National Lawyers Guild - fighting to keep the First Amendment alive in the legal arena
- Bribespot - report bribes anonymously with a cell phone app (World)
- NCDD Resources - help for civic dialogue and deliberation
- Points of Light Institute - civic incubator
- Civic Commons - civic engagement apps
- US Vote - complete voter service
- Election Protection - get help for your voter registration, voting questions and problems (US)
- Political Reform Calendar - a list of government and other calendar sites (Intl., US)
- Congress.org - daily political happenings in Washington, DC
- CommonBlog - Common Cause - government and political reform
- CitizenVox - Public Citizen - consumer news and corporate reform
- PolicyShop - Demos - a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy
- U.S. PIRG - a consumer group that stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health and safety, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democratic society
- 350.org - environmental / climate movement
- EDF Voices - Environmental Defense Fund - preserving the natural systems on which all life depends
- InterOccupy - Occupy movement
- Sunlight Foundation - open government, transparency and technology news
- Deeplinks - Electronic Frontier Foundation - defending your rights in a digital world
- Culture Project - Shining an artistic spotlight on injustice
- Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the ACLU - legal advocacy for individual liberty
- Brennan Center for Justice - government reform legal news
- People's Blog for the Constitution - civil rights legal news
- OpenSecrets Blog - candidates' campaign finance analyses
- The Tabulation - The Concord Coalition - advocating generationally responsible fiscal policy
- POGO Blog - Project on Government Oversight - champions good government reforms
- Taxpayers for Common Sense - ensures that the federal government spends taxpayer dollars responsibly and operates within its means
- Arguments - Democracy: A Journal of Ideas - articles by politicians and news journalists
- Waging Nonviolence - activism analyses
- fairvote - electoral reforms advocacy
- Open Congress - bills' info and news
- Election Defense Alliance - United We Count - elections' analyses
- Classic Government Reform Readings - historical current events news articles (mostly US)
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